SOUND? 1.1 by Roger of Questions Plays songs defined as text. Short and easy to use, but powerfull. No polyphony is implemented at the time. Usage: -Composing the music -Creating music with running titles (song score) -Generating tones - so you can use this like a tuner -Generating beats - so you can use this like a metronome -Testing sound efects for games -Having fun Features: -Exact tempo generating (standard PalmOS note lenght setting in 1/100 of second is not exact enough). -Double volume setting - you can set volume for each note separately (velocity) and for whole song - both are combined -Music debugging - you can see what note is curently being played. -Looping, playing selection. -Powerfull phrase repeating -Music titling - title is changed as music plays. -You can use standard Cut/Copy/Paste operations - song is just a text. You can send it with mail. -MemoPad support - songs are stored in MemoPad database, so you can synchronize them with desktop. -Built-in help and command reference with examples. -All this in less than 10 kilobytes of code. Version info: 1.0.0 - May 1, 2001 - Initial release 1.1.0 - May 18, 2001 - MemoPad support. Author: Roger of Questions ( Questions website: =======Everything below is copy of built-in help===== •Note frequency abcdefg - play note ABCDEFG - 1 octave higher _ - pause •Halftones # - next note halftone up * - next note halftone down •Note lenght (permanent) n - set lenght /n - divide lenght ----------Examples---------- 1 - 1 beat 2 - 2 beats 1/2 - 0.5 of beat 3/4 - 0.75 of beat 1cd*ef2gg*a*a4g ---------------------------- •Octave shift (permanent) + - octave up - - octave down On - octave set ----------Examples---------- all means the same: o5 c+c-c o5 cCc o5c o6c o5c ---------------------------- •Repeating Xn - repeat count [ - repeat block start ] - repeat block end | - repeat exit ----------Examples---------- [cdef] - repeat twice x10[cdef] - repeat 10 times [cde|f]g - same as cdefcdeg ---------------------------- •Comment/titles "title" set title, can be used for comments •Legato ^ - no gap before next note ----------Examples---------- ccc - will play 3 notes c^c^c - will play 1 note ---------------------------- •Volume (permanent) Wn - set volume (0-127) Vn - set velocity (0-127) •Tempo Tn - beats per minute •End & - stop playback Example song: "Cat's creeping .." o5 v100 t260 1cdef2gg [2aa4g] [1ffff2eedd|4g]4c Controls: •All - plays whole song •Play - plays selected text or starts to play from cursor •Show - moves cursor as the notes are played •Loop - plays again and again and again •Songs are stored in MemoPad database •First character of the song must be " (quote) ! •Songs are created in same category as active song. •You have to use MemoPad to change the category.